Frequently Asked Questions

When should I get an ultrasound?

An ultrasound is recommended shortly after receiving a positive pregnancy test. This is one of the most important tests you can have to confirm your pregnancy. Through ultrasound, you can learn several facts about your pregnancy, including gestational age and viability. At the Women’s Resource Center, we offer a complimentary ultrasound after you’ve had a positive pregnancy test result with a Center pregnancy test. Learn more about ultrasounds here.

How do I know if I am pregnant?

Not every woman experiences the same pregnancy symptoms. The most common pregnancy symptom is a missed period. A change in your menstrual cycle can happen for several reasons. Read “Pregnant?” to learn the different signs of pregnancy. Then, give us a call. We will be happy to provide you with a complimentary pregnancy test at the Center.

What are the signs of an std?

If you are sexually active, you should be tested for an STD (sexually transmitted disease). Usually, there aren’t any symptoms of STDs in the beginning, but if left untreated, serious complications can occur later. Some STDs are incurable and can only be managed with medication. Others, if treated early, can be cured. It is possible to get an STD multiple times, so we recommend regular testing. We can refer you for STD and STI testing and treatment with a medical doctor.